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A hardship fund forMarvin E. Kirsh

$0 given of $3,000 goal


Started by: Marvin Kirsh


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I earned a PhD in biochemistry 1986 from The City University of New Yorkand never got a job. I became homeless on the East Coast for many years. I came by bus to California, settled into various transient hotes in Skid Row for many year. One day I re-enrolled at Calstate Los Angeles for a second graduate career and studied philosophy and biochemistry as I lived in rented rooms in other peoples house, paying expenses with student loans. During the time of my new study and afterwards I published, as I dreamed on doing, 6 major works in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences in addition to the two research papers I had produced from the time as a graduate in biochemistry. I am currently waiting for a decision by on a 7th paper I just completed.

The many rooms I have occupied the last 20 years have been pretty uncomfortable, and landlords had been very unpleasant, stealing deposits and making unreasonable demands. Though I have endured it, I have a physically stressfull reaction to the climate and land in general that is different from my home state. My health, at age 66, is not the same as younger times, my endurance is tested daily. I long to return to the eastern places of my past but would lose a very large part of my income that is supplemented by the State of California and face at the least temporary homelessness I fear I may not survive, especially in light of the terrible weather conditions that have changed substantially since I left my home state. The cost of living there is the same if not higher than California. I am being asked to vacate my current situation July 31. The request, though having no connection with legal issues, rent payment, respect for property and others, their privacy, seems hardly worth contesting, The landlady has even managed to arrange clearly out of the blue with lies and childish babble that did not hold up, visits from personnell from governmental agencies. I have no place to go and from experience so no different places to pursue. I would love to have more privacy, a private bath at home, an office rather than yards or sidewalk benches or street corners on which to sit an write with a laptop, mobility for opportunity and activities appropriate to my educational level. I am seeking monetary assistance with housing and living expenses for relocation to Baltimore where I grew up.

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