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Help for Daniel Savage and Family

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A medical fund forDaniel Savage

$1,810 given of $10,000 goal

Help for Daniel Savage and Family

Started by: Jen Thomas


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On September 4th, Daniel Savage was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, which has metastasized, though we don't yet know how far. We do know that it's spread to his lymph nodes. He can't work because of the advanced nature of the cancer, and is currently uninsured. They've applied for medicaid, and assistance, but medicaid takes a minimum of 45 days (MO doesn't expedite these applications for anything anymore) so presently they're having to do a lot of things out of pocket. They do have some assistance from a local hospital covering some of the treatments, but it means driving 90 minutes to the hospital. Daniel's wife is disabled, and he was the only one working, which means being able to cover just the basics for Daniel, his wife, and their two kids has become near impossible. In addition to that, because of a Walmart employee installing a battery wrong (they reversed the poles, I'm told?) their good car no longer runs, which is leaving them with a much older, and unreliable car to get Daniel to treatments. Walmart has completely refused to fix, or even acknowledge that what they did damaged the car, so we're trying to raise money to repair that, too. Anything you can help with would be appreciated, or even just sharing the fundraiser would be wonderful.

Latest Update

The first type of chemotherapy has been cancelled. Daniel had a toxic reaction to the research medication, so they've taken him off of that, and he's disqualified from the drug trial. His allergic reaction was so severe that they thought he was going to have a heart attack. They've decided to try a different method of chemo for his palliative care. Good news is that he was approved for disability. Bad news was that you have to be disabled for 5 months in order to get it. He did get SSI instead, or SSA? One of those, it's a little less than the SSDI but it's something to help tide them over. Still no progress on the insurance, but hopefully with the disability approved, he will be able to get that soon and they can stop incurring prescription costs, because just one of the drugs, full price, is over $1,000, and they keep giving him new drugs.

Posted by Jen

October 17 at 9:29pm

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We just got the word that the cancer is now too advanced for radiation, and that chemo is going to be palliative. The cancer has spread all through his stomach. Still no word on disability, or medicaid, and today the out of cost expenses for the prescriptions is $500. How is this allowed to happen?

Posted by Jen

October 5 at 1:28pm

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I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a bit, things have been crazy. Daniel got the colostomy surgery, he was supposed to be in the hospital for several days, but they released him early without the supplies he would need. Medicaid still hasn't kicked in, so if we can't get the hospital to help and actually give him the items they were supposed to when they released him, it'll all be very expensive and out of pocket. So fingers crossed that the hospital cooperates. Using donations, we were able to get Daniel a recliner too, which is just so unbelievably helpful. He was so uncomfortable trying to lay on the bed, and sitting upright is painful, so that's helped make him a lot more comfortable. So thank you to everyone who has donated so far, you've made a difference. He's supposed to be going in to start treatments this week, though we're unclear exactly what. We thought he was going to get both chemo and radiation this week, but that may not be the case. Hopefully we'll know soon.

Posted by Jen

October 3 at 9:36pm

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Daniel had his oncology appointment today, it's officially stage 4 cancer, and very aggressive. It's grown significantly since the CT Scan. The oncologist said that the PET scan that he finally got lit up from his groin to shoulders, but that's preliminary findings. More may show up later. The survival rate for this is anywhere from 11% to 20%, so they're going to go ahead with treatments. I believe they said that there would be 30 treatments for radiation, so please send positive thoughts that he responds well to the treatment.

Posted by Jen

September 26 at 5:16pm

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Today was the oncology appointment. Right now they're saying the cancer is at stage three, which is not great news. The oncologist also said that Daniel may very well have two types of cancer, they're going to do a second, more in depth biopsy on something and once they do that, we'll know more. Still no PET scan, fighting with the hospital about how to pay for it, still waiting on news about Medicare too. Everything moves so slowly, which is frustrating when every day matters.

Posted by Jen

September 21 at 8:33pm

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Sorry there wasn't an update sooner, there hasn't been a lot to update yet. It came back positive as cancer, which we knew already, it's colorecctal cancer. Right now we don't know the exact stage, or much of anything else. The doctors have been very vague about answering, and said that the oncologist will be the one to give that information. The first appointment with the oncologist will be 9/21, hopefully we'll know more after that. The treatments are chemo and radiation. One is covered by the hospital coverage, one is not, so fingers crossed that the medicade coverage kicks in soon, because that's expensive. As is the PET scan, which Daniel has still not been able to get, because they want $1,500 up front to do it, and we just don't have that. Especially not while we're also without any prescription coverage, so every medication has had to be paid for out of pocket. There is a great pharmacy that's helping how they can, but it's still not always cheap. Will update again soon.

Posted by Jen

September 20 at 9:12am

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The doctors decided to move up the tests to today, apparently they saw something on the tests from the ER that warranted having it pushed up a day. He went in at 12:30, and is just now leaving at about 6:30. They said that based on the colonoscopy, and the biopsy, that it's at the very least, stage 3, possibly stage 4 cancer. It's very aggressive, because he had a colonoscopy 2 years ago, and it didn't show anything. They don't yet know what the treatment will be, they're having to type the cancer first, and once they do that, they'll be able to go over specific options. They still won't say how far it's spread, so we don't know that yet either. He has an appointment next week with the specialist again, and we'll hopefully know more soon.

Posted by Jen

September 8 at 4:27pm

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We didn't get as much information as we wanted from this appointment, unfortunately. They said that they can't tell us much more beyond what they have said, or give any firm answers right now until after they do a colonoscopy and biopsy. The good-ish news is that this appointment only cost $50, and then there was the prescription costs, which today were only $30. After the colonoscopy and biopsy, Daniel is going to be referred to an oncologist to address potential treatment plans, but we don't know when that appointment will be yet. Will update again after Friday, or if we get any other news. Thanks again, everyone!

Posted by Jen

September 6 at 8:07pm

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20 Supporters

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  • Donna Everett7 years ago Hugs to you guys.
  • Anonymous7 years ago
  • Sue Stickley7 years ago
  • Rebecca Laforge7 years ago Sending you lots of love and prayers from NH. Hang in there Daniel and give it hell!!
  • Jack M Weisenstein7 years ago All my hopes! Stay strong.
  • Lane Banne7 years ago You'll get through this.
  • Anonymous7 years ago
  • Bruce Meyer7 years ago Best wishes.
  • Darrell l finch7 years ago Best wishes.
  • Anonymous7 years ago
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