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Medical expenses for Dawnelle Jenks

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A medical fund forDawnelle Jenks

$1,550 given of $10,000 goal

Medical expenses for Dawnelle Jenks

Started by: Melody DiGiovanni


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Dawnelle Jenks is my daughter, wife of Bryan Jenks and mother to six beautiful children 6 months to 10 years of age. She just found out that she has a heart condition that causes her to pass out without any warning. She has been told that she needs a heart monitor so that doctors can monitor her heart and her fainting episodes so that they may be able to pinpoint possible triggers and situations that bring on these episodes.

She has also been dealing with blisters in her mouth and down her throat and needs to be scoped so that she can be treated properly for that as well.

She and her family does not have insurance at this time and they are not making enough to cover the expenses of their family and the high costs of medical care without insurance.

Without these treatments and procedures Dawnelle will only get worse. I do not want my grandchildren to lose their mother.

I am asking friends and family to please give generously so that Dawnelle can get the medical attention that she needs.

Dawnelle has done so much for everyone else and continues giving even now. Please show her you appreciate her and love her. It means so much to me as her mother and to her children and husband. Thank you in advance for your support. Please know, the sooner we can get funds, the sooner she gets to get on the road to recovery.

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26 Supporters

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  • Dawnelle Jenks8 years ago Wow!!! I am grateful for so much amazing support! Working on a solution but everyone has a different idea what to do. I appreciate so much all the support!
  • Melody DiGiovanni8 years ago Megan, Wow! Thank you so much. Love you.
  • Megan Oberlin8 years ago I'm so heart broken to hear this. I love you like a sister and your entire family means the world to me. Just get better okay. I love you.
  • Melody DiGiovanni8 years ago Thank you annonymous.
  • Anonymous8 years ago
  • Melody DiGiovanni8 years ago Thank you Talesha Davis and Stacey Holmberg as well as all of the others that have made donations.
  • Stacey Holmberg8 years ago Best wishes.
  • Talesha Davis8 years ago
  • Heidi Blessing8 years ago Prayers
  • Melody DiGiovanni8 years ago Chad, Thank you so much. I was on the phone with Dawnelle and she stopped talking to me. Next thing i know I hear one of her little ones yelling mom mom mom mom. She had passed out and fallen and hit her head. I had to get her inlaws on the phone to go check on her and the kids. She has come to now. Your donation gives me hope that we can get her to the doctor and get her the help she needs. Thank you to all that have donated thus far. Those of you thinking about doing so , stop thinking and start giving PLEASE.
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